Thursday, May 7, 2009

Two silly monkeys and Tumble Town!

Whenever the camera comes out my kids become silly. I thought they looked so cute in their matching outfits and just had to have a picture. It is the hardest thing to get both kids to smile and look at the camera at the same time. It's gotten to the point that before I take the picture I ask them if they are going to act like monkeys or angels. You can see which they ALWAYS choose.

For about the last four months, Blair has been taking gymnastics. We go every Wednesday for an hour. Blair's favorite part is getting to wear her leotard. She has two and black. The first few times she didn't have a leotard because we couldn't find a "pink one like Sarah's." When we finally did Blair thought she was "big like Sarah." Blair is actually pretty athletic (unlike her mother) and does fairly well. This fall they are starting something new where the kids can earn belts based upon their performance. That should be fun!!!!! Here are some pictures of my little gymnast.


Noni and Papa said...

It looks as though Logan has become more of the "monkey" than Blair. =)
We love the concentration on the balance beam. She is serious about this.

Courtney said...

Hey La, I don't know how I missed this post, but I just noticed it today!

She looks so serious and so cute up there on that balance beam! :)

Miss you guys so much!

How are the Bowling Green Hot Rods? :)