Today my world took a new became real today that my first born is starting school on Tuesday. I do not enjoy typing this post because I want her to stay little forever. I tease Blair sometimes that we could just go to the doctor, get a shot and it would turn her back into a 9 month old baby. When I teased her with that today she informed me that she could not stay home with me much longer because I would not be able to teach her. As much as I hated to hear it, she's probably glad Daddy will be around when it comes to Math homework. ha!
We are so excited about Blair's kindergarten teacher. She has won several teaching awards, not to mention a National award for the state of Kentucky. Excited probably doesn't come close to how we're feeling. So we got her supply list from school today and headed to Target. I cried for the second time (first being when we bought her backpack) at the Target check out line. Oh well, surely I can't be the only one.
My Blair is growing up. I couldn't be more proud of her or love her any more than I do right now. My cup overflows!
Oh La! I teared up reading this! I can't believe she's going to school. I wish I had been at Target with you to give you a huge hug.
I am pumped about her teacher! She is fabulous (I'm pretty sure I know who based on your description. :) ) Blair is going to have an awesome year! Give her kisses from Aunt Court, a hug from Caroline, a wink from Uncle AC, and a gummy grin from Landon. We love y'all!
Lauren, this made me cry! I can only imagine!!! We were going to send Olivia to preschool this year and when I got her letter in the mail I completely changed my mind. Guess I just want her to myself as long as possible! Hang in there!
OK Lauren, you're three for three! I cried when I read it too! I ran into your mom at the gym earlier this week and she told me school started Tuesday. I literally thought about you for the rest of the day. Blair is going to love it though!
i just can't believe it! I'm with court- wish i'd been with you at target! At least you know she'll love it and you like her teacher!
Hnag in there! and enjoy your one on one time with logan!
love you!!
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